
AQC wins 2023 UQ startup of the Year

21 August 2023 – AQC is UQ's 2023 Startup of the year!   The team has put in an amazing effort this year, and it's great to be recognised for the work that we are doing to take the work that we started inside the ARC Centre of Excellence in Engineered Quantum Systems ( and develop it for commercial uses.  Thanks to Nimrod Klayman, UQ's Head of Entrepreneurship and UQ's Vice Chancellor, Prof Deb Terry for hosting us!

AQC's Tom Stace speaks at Cicada Innovations' Tech 23 

26 July 2023 What an inspiring collection of deep tech founders and companies represented! 

 AQC was one of 23 startups selected from over 120 nominations to showcase some of Australia's leading deep tech work.  Tom spoke with host Sachin Shah, and Mark Waller and Venkata Gutta on a panel about "Reimagining Time", with a deeply thoughtful introduction by Bill Bartee.  Thanks Sachin and Bill!

AQC selected for Cicada Innovations' Tech 23 Festival

9 June 2023 – AQC is selected as one of the 23 startups showcased at the Tech 23 Festival, July 25-26!

photo credit: Jenny Cuerel Photography

AQC co-founders meet with Federal and State Science Ministers

14 April 2023 –  Today, Ed Husic MP and Meaghan Scanlon MP visited the Superconducting Quantum Devices laboratory, where AQC works its magic, to hear about how we are turning fundamental research into advanced technologies for analog signal processing in quantum computers and elsewhere.

20 January 2023 – AQC's co-founders, Prof Tom Stace and A/Prof Arkady Fedorov have published the first proof-of-principle realisation of a passive on-chip circulator that is made from a superconducting loop interrupted by three Josephson junctions and is tuned with only dc control fields.

18 October 2022 – Prof Tom Stace is a featured speaker at Something Tech, part of Queensland's Technology Innovation Showcase, 27-28 October.  Come along!

Brisbane, 11 October 2022 – Uniseed has committed $3M to an investment in Australian quantum technology company Analog Quantum Circuits (AQC) to fund the development of key components required for the scale up of quantum computing. ...

11 June 2018 The technology that allowed Marty McFly to travel back in time in the 1985 movie. ...